Erdoğan BULUT

Frontend Software Engineer

Merkez, Giresun /

Levent, Istanbul

(+90) 553 960 2828



I started software development with the C++ programming language at the age of 11-12 because of my personal interest, continued with Visual Basic and C#. Then when I was 13-14 years old I started learning and developing HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP to develop my own website. Since then, I have continued to frontend development.

When I started high school, I started doing freelance development, including frontend and sometimes backend. At the same time, I completed my high school education in the web programming department of anatolian vocational high school. During the last year of my high school education, I worked as an intern frontend developer in a company.

After completing my high school education, I started working full time. Then I started my university education. I continued to work full time throughout my university education by choosing university evening education.

I started my career by working in agencies, so I had the opportunity to develop my technical skills by developing more projects in the first times. After getting fed up with the agency pace, I continued my career in product development companies and developed software products. After gaining experience in product development, I started working on the startup ideas I had in mind. At this stage, I gained more experience in subjects such as backend, devops, fintech and startup management.

EXPERIENCE (10+ years)

Nesine, Senior Frontend Software Engineer

SEP 2022 - NOW is Turkey's legal and leading online betting and gambling platform. In this company, I develop frontend architectures and software for betting software. I undertake tasks such as creating the frontend architectures of the projects to be developed, maintaining the sustainable code infrastructure of the projects, and code-review.

techstack: javascript, react, context, sass/scss, jest, proptypes, webpack

Tradimp, Founder - Software Engineer

JAN 2021 - NOW

Tradimp is a startup that develops a trading robot on cryptocurrencies. I had started developing a trading robot independently, and an investor invested in the startup idea to support the project while development was in progress. So I was able to complete the first version of the trading robot and it is working. I developed backend, frontend, devops/deployment and even technical analysis indicator in the project.

techstack: typescript, nodejs, nestjs, mongodb, postgresql, vue, vuex, rxjs, .net 5/6, gpu programming, rust, technical analysis indicator development, pinescript, gcloud, git, webpack

Frontendworkteam, Founder - Head of Frontend

NOV 2019 - MAR 2021

Frontendworkteam was a startup idea that provides software development and consulting services. Their clients were usually startups and product development agencies that developed their own products. I developed frontend software for our clients software products at this startup.

techstack: typescript, vue, vuex, nuxt, react, redux, angular, rxjs, sass/scss, git, webpack

Farmazon, Frontend Software Engineer

JUN 2019 - SEP 2019

Farmazon is a closed-to-end-user marketplace e-commerce platform where pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies shop among themselves. During Farmazon's transition from legacy monolith to new modern architecture, I joined the team to build and develop the new frontend architecture. I developed the new frontend architecture and the improvements started to be published.

techstack: react, redux, sass/scss, git, webpack

Turkcell, Frontend Team Lead of TurkcellBulut

APR 2019 - JUN 2019

TurkcellBulut is a platform where cloud services offered to corporate customers can be purchased and managed with an interface. I joined the team temporarily to reconstruct the frontend architecture in the team established for the rebuilding of TurkcellBulut. I created the new frontend architecture and worked in coordination with frontend developers to make the developments happen on this architecture.

techstack: typescript, angular, ngrx, rxjs, sass/scss, git, webpack

Protel - Sr. Frontend Developer

NOV 2017 - NOV 2018

Protel is a company that develops pos software for restaurants, cafes and hotels. Here I developed pos and stock management software for restaurants and cafes. I gained real product development experience working for a product company in this company.

techstack: typescript, vue, vuex, electron,  sass/scss, git, webpack

Bline - Frontend Developer

JUL 2015 - NOV 2017

Bline is a digital agency established by two traditional advertising agencies to develop digital services. It does all the digital services of its large-scale customers. That's why there are usually no project-based works. I had the opportunity to develop projects in large and different domains in this company.

techstack: typescript, vue, vuex, nuxt, angular, angularjs, rxjs, react, redux, sass/scss, php symfony, nodejs, express, git, webpack, gulp

1MM - Frontend Developer

JUNE 2014 - MAY 2015

1MM is a digital design agency. It has project-based customers and many projects are completed in a short time. Therefore, I had the opportunity to develop my skills by developing many projects in a short time.

techstack: angularjs, jQuery, sass/scss, php, symfony, git, grunt, gulp

TY Bilişim - Intern - Jr. Frontend Developer

JUNE 2013 - JUNE 2014

TY Bilişim is a software development service company. I completed my compulsory high school internship in this company as a jr. frontend developer.


Kabataş JA - Frontend Workshop

Nişantaşı University - Modern JavaScript


Nişantaşı University, Istanbul - Computer Programming

SEP 2014 - JUN 2016

Mehmet Ali Büyükhanlı Anatolian Vocational High School, Istanbul - IT / Web Programming

SEP 2010 - JUN 2014


Agile / Scrum and Kanban - Istanbul Kurumsal Gelişim





  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • ES6+ / ES2015+
  • Vue (w/ Vuex, Nuxt)
  • React (w/ Hooks, Functional API, Redux)
  • Angular 2+, AngularJS 1.x
  • RxJS
  • jQuery


  • Pug / Jade, template engines
  • Bootstrap, Material, Antd, Vuetify, ElementUI


  • TypeScript
  • NestJS
  • MongoDB, PostgreSQL


  • Git
  • Vite, Webpack, Gulp

.NET 5 / 6 - minor experience

  • GPU Programming

Rust - minor experience

PHP (w/ Symfony)



  • Agile Methodology
  • Scrum, Kanban
  • Jira


Turkish (native)

English (technical / reading, writing, speaking)